Happy 2020 everyone!
Wow!! I can’t believe how 2020 is flying. Wasn’t it just yesterday I thought “It’s the beginning of January—let’s do a New Year blog post?!?” Well… you can see how that plan worked.
Here’s a little update on the farm:
At the beginning of 2020 I deemed this year a year of GROWTH for Emerald M. We are working on expanding our services to more people, we were planning two amazing dinner events, we expanded our community partnerships and we were working on attending Florida’s Family Café, the nation’s largest cross disability event, as a presenter on the benefits of equine assisted therapies. We provided 117 hippotherapy and therapeutic horseback riding sessions during these first 3 months and were geared up for our first 2020 Healing Hearts through Horses for Gold Star women.
Then, COVID-19 hit our nation. Like all of you, we followed the news closely and on March 13th we decided to close for services until our counties and State determine a plan for reopening.
BUT OUR WORK HAS NOT STOPPED! Bills will still come due. Our 11 amazing horses still need their care. Parker, our property manager, still works with us tending to all the maintenance required on our 20 acre property. We want to make sure he still gets his wages. That’s where your generous support has truly helped. We’re incredibly grateful for the donations we have received these past weeks including horse sponsorships to ensure their care is covered. Five of our horses have 2020 sponsors and we’re looking for 6 more! (Another blog post to come with photos of those who still need sponsors!)
Truthfully, this time has given us a chance to devote ourselves to behind-the-scenes of Emerald M. We are continuing to plan for our Derby Day in Tampa Bay on September 5th, organizing and updating our paperwork, applying for grants, updating our profiles on GreatNonProfits.org and Guidestar, and SO MUCH MORE.
As I reflect on this start to the year I’d say 2020 is a year of RENEWAL for us.
More to come. We hope to blog more frequently. If you’re not following us on Facebook and Instagram, join us for more fun day- to- day updates!
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